Adding lilies to your garden can bring both charm and fragrance to your outdoor space. With various types available, proper blending can result in blooms from early summer to autumn. Lilies are versatile and can thrive in any setting, be it formal or naturalistic, even in containers. Additionally, these flowers make great cut flowers. With their trumpet shape and simple or boldly marked petals, they are easily recognizable. Lilies boast tall stems with long, lance-shaped leaves and come in an array of breathtaking hues such as gold, orange, pink, red, and white. Popular species include Asiatics, Orientals, and species. To maintain a continuous bloom, planting Asiatics first, followed by Orientals, then another round of Orientals is recommended. Asiatic lilies are the smallest type, reaching up to 2-3 feet tall and blooming in early summer. They are low-maintenance, as long as the soil is well-drained.
While most people associate daffodils with holidays, they can actually be planted outdoors in warmer areas once they’re done blooming inside. Oriental lilies are known for their pleasant aroma and can grow as tall as 4 feet, blooming in the middle of summer after Asiatic lilies have already faded. On the other hand, trumpet lilies have small flowers resembling trumpets but emit a delightful fragrance. Other lily varieties include tiger lilies, Turkish lilies, and hybrids like Orienpet and LA lilies. To find your preferred type, peruse gardening catalogs.