Craig Burrows
Occasionally, the most exquisite aspects are those imperceptible to the unaided eye.
Consider flowers, for example. While they possess a natural beauty visible in typical lighting, their authentic, vibrant colors are unveiled when examined under ultraviolet light.

Craig Burrows
Over the course of the last three years, artist Craig Burrows has been illuminating the way flowers appear when exposed to UV light, utilizing a technique called ultraviolet-induced visible fluorescence photography.

Craig Burrows
Burrows meticulously explores his Los Angeles neighborhood, in search of flowers, which he subsequently places in a room devoid of any ambient light. When he introduces ultraviolet light to the petals, these flowers undergo a remarkable transformation, springing to life with vibrant colors.

Craig Burrows
Burrows explained in an email to The Huffington Post that delving into UVIVF photography prompted his interest in gardening, as he aspired to cultivate specific flowers for his photographic endeavors.

Craig Burrows
Burrows expressed that he believes dust can significantly affect the quality of his photos, which is why he began cultivating his own flowers. "I'm worried that purchased flowers could potentially be more heavily contaminated with artificial luminous dust particles," he remarked.

Craig Burrows
Burrows is consistently amazed by his flower photographs because some plants simply don't appear as photogenic under UV light.

Craig Burrows
“I recently photographed some bottlebrush, which I expected to be quite spectacular,” Burrows said. “Instead, the leaves glowed brightly and the flower part lacked brightness but had some very interesting color differentiation based on the anatomy.”

Craig Burrows
The most consistently colorful flowers are sunflowers, or flowers closely related to them, Burrows has discovered. “They have pollen which glows especially brightly,” he said.

Craig Burrows
We think all of these photos are stunning.

Craig Burrows

Craig Burrows

Craig Burrows

Craig Burrows

Craig Burrows

Craig Burrows

Craig Burrows

Craig Burrows

Craig Burrows

Craig Burrows

Craig Burrows
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